The Justice Health Group works closely with health and justice agencies across Australia, leading researchers internationally,
and key international agencies including the World Health Organization (WHO) and International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
We believe that we can achieve more by working together.
Featured collaborations
World Health Organization (WHO) Health in Prisons Programme
The Justice Health Group supports the World Health Organization (WHO) Health in Prisons Program (HIPP) in a number of ways. Prof Kinner serves on the WHO HIPP Steering Group. The Group assisted WHO HIPP with development of the first ever regional prison health data collection, HIPED. Members of our Group are currently contributing to revision of WHO HIPP’s flagship publication Prisons and Health, due for publication in early 2025.
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Health in Detention Programme
In 2020 the Justice Health Group cemented its relationship with the ICRC through the signing of an MOU to underpin ongoing collaboration on research and training activities. In 2022, the Group was the only academic partner in the 1st World Conference on Health in Detention, hosted by ICRC in Geneva.
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
The Justice Health Group led the health chapter in the UN Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty, which was presented to the UN General Assembly in 2019. Subsequently, we worked with UNICEF and other UN agencies to review international healthcare standards for children deprived of liberty. Our findings are summarised in a report from the Harvard FXB Center for Health and Human Rights.
Worldwide Prison Health Research and Engagement Network (WEPHREN)
WEPHREN is coordinated by the UK Health Security Agency, formerly a WHO Collaborating Centre for prison health.
The aim of WEPHREN is to develop a global network to exchange experience, expert advice and promote innovation in addressing the health and healthcare inequalities faced by people in prison.
Justice Health Group members serve on the WEPHREN Steering Committee, and participate in a variety of spin-off activities and projects.